mothed who shopped her son to police after he mugged years old woman

Mother who shopped her son to police after he mugged 90-year-old woman tells of her trauma after he hangs himself in prison
Sharron Lewis named her son Sheldon Woodford to Dorset Police
But drug addict, 24, died in suspected suicide after being jailed
He mugged pensioner for her handbag and knocked her to ground
Mrs Lewis believes she did the right thing by speaking to detectives
But blames herself after son was found hanging at HMP Winchester.

Prison death: Sheldon Woodford mugged an elderly woman for her handbag while high on a legal drug

A grieving mother today revealed how she feels responsible for her son dying in a suspected suicide in jail - after shopping him to police for mugging a 90-year-old woman.

Sharron Lewis, 50, of Bournemouth, named her son Sheldon Woodford, 24, to police after recognising him in an appeal by detectives.

The drug addict had stalked pensioner Betty Aldworth moments before the attack in the town, which knocked her to the ground and left her with knee and shoulder injuries.

He mugged the woman for her handbag while high on a cannabis-like legal drug called Clockwork Orange, and was jailed last month for robbery for more than four years.

But Mrs Lewis said although she felt she did the right thing by speaking to police, she blamed herself after her son was found hanging in his cell at HMP Winchester in Hampshire last week.

She told the Daily Mirror: ‘I feel responsible and I feel that I failed him. I know I did the right thing for my son and for the old lady.

'I did it because he could have seriously hurt someone next time. I did it for his own good.

'I did it because he needed help and the only way he was going to get it was being in prison. He was in the right place to get help and he obviously didn’t get it.’

Speaking to Mirror reporters Euan Stretch and Paul Vass, she added that Woodford had attempted to hang himself four weeks before his death, and had been under hourly observation in jail.

On camera: CCTV footage showed Sheldon Woodford stalking the pensioner in Boscombe, Bournemouth

Robbery: Woodford snatched 90-year-old Betty Aldworth's bag in the attack which knocked her to the ground

Moving: He could then be seen attempting to make a getaway with her bag while she remained on the ground

Mrs Lewis, who lives with her second husband David, 56, said Woodford was a ‘troubled person from childhood’, but he had forgiven her for alerting police that it was him in the CCTV appeal.

Detective Constable Leo Glendon said at the time of Woodford’s sentencing last month that Mrs Lewis saw the police photo of her son and 'felt it right' to come forward.

He added: ‘She felt that any loyalty towards her son was superseded by the fact that he had picked on a vulnerable, elderly lady.

'She felt it was right to come forward and inform us due to the nature of the crime and the fact Woodford was targeting elderly people and could still be a danger to them.

Scene: Woodford was jailed for four-and-a-half years at Bournemouth Crown Court for the crime on this road

Imprisoned: He died in hospital last week after being found hanging at HMP Winchester (above) in Hampshire

'We received a call from Woodford's mother on January 2 during which she said "That's my son".

Circled: Woodford, immediately prior to the incident

'She wanted him to be forced to get help and the only way that was going to be possible is if he was put behind bars.’

Judge Peter Johnson described Woodford's crime as 'a cowardly, despicable act', saying: 'That injury is still causing her pain. The sentence of this court must be a severe one.'

He had nine previous convictions for 26 offences - including five robberies.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard Woodford had moved back to the Dorset coastal town from the home he shared with his partner and baby in Chippenham, Wiltshire, after becoming overwhelmed by his role as a father.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: ‘HMP Winchester prisoner Sheldon Woodford died in hospital at 2.10pm on March 12.

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